Introduction to Program Evaluation for Public Health Program: A Self Study Guide Checklists for the 6 steps: Engage Stakeholders Describe the Program Focus the Evaluation Design Gather Credible Evidence Justify Conclusions Ensure Use of Evaluation Findings and Share Lessons Learned Checklist for Step 1: Engage Stakeholders Identify stakeholders, using the three broad categories discussed: those affected, those involved in operations, and those who will use the evaluation results. Review the initial list of stakeholders to identify key stakeholders needed to improve credibility, implementation, advocacy, or funding/authorization decisions. Engage individual stakeholders and/or representatives of stakeholder organizations Create a plan for stakeholder...

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Chronic Diseases Impact on Public Health Chronic Diseases are a major public health crisis because of their impact on quality of life, morbidity and mortality, and cost to the healthcare system: Almost one out of every two U.S. adults (~107 million people) reported having at least one of six chronic illnesses – cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, or arthritis – in 2008 (APHA- Get the Facts). Seven out of ten deaths among Americans each year are from chronic diseases with heart disease, cancer, and stroke accounting for more than 50% of all yearly deaths (CDC, 2012)....

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What is IDD (Intellectual & Developmental Disability)? Intellectual and/or Developmental Disability (IDD) is a disability acquired before the age of 18 and is characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills.  IDD encompasses many formal diagnoses including autism spectrum disorders, mental retardation, Fragile-X syndrome, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome, and Williams syndrome. Down syndrome, fragile X syndrome, and fetal alcohol syndrome are responsible for one-third of all intellectual disabilities seen in the general population (Batshaw, 2007).   According to the World Health...

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